Scale your

Scale your

Million Dollar

Million Dollar

Helping service businesses
become seven-figure
money machines

Helping service businesses
become seven-figure
money machines

Scale your

Million Dollar Machine

Helping service businesses
become seven-figure
money machines

Trusted by

You started your Service Business with a Mission

Every journey starts out with the excitement of conquering the world.
Your pursuit of growth has lead you to take on:

More Clients

Bigger Projects

Larger Team

The opportunities start flowing in and the next thing you know

As the money flows in the stakes increase, the pressure builds, and you spiral out of control. Systems (if any) break down, derail your focus, and destroy your excitement.

The systems (if any) break down
focus quickly evaporates
excitement is derailed


Your team
is on fire 🔥

Not the good kind…

Fear keeps you clocking in more hours.

Answering endless emails

Troubleshooting chaos every day

You had always heard about working smarter
But how do you actually do that?
How do you even find the time to get out of your own way?

How can you get back to the passion and excitement you started with?

Infinite Tasks & Deliverables

Infinite Tasks & Deliverables

Endless Client Fires & Emergencies

Endless Client Fires & Emergencies

Mountains of Obstacles & Challenges

Mountains of Obstacles & Challenges

Hi, I’m Ernesto

With over 10 years in the restaurant, startup, hotel, and Fortune 500 sectors, I've faced the same stresses as you, sacrificing my personal life in the name of growth.

Through my journey, I've designed a unique approach to help your services business overcome the challenges in your way.

With over 10 years in the restaurant, startup, hotel, and Fortune 500 sectors, I've faced the same stresses as you, sacrificing my personal life in the name of growth.

Through my journey, I've designed a unique approach to help your services business overcome the challenges in your way.

I Operate with 3 Secret Ingredients

I Operate with 3 Secret Ingredients
Fast · Create wins quickly
Fast · Create wins quickly
Flexible · According to your needs
Flexible · According to your needs
Fun · Making change enjoyable
Fun · Making change enjoyable

Hi, I’m Ernesto

With over 10 years in the restaurant, startup, hotel, and Fortune 500 sectors, I've faced the same stresses as you, sacrificing my personal life in the name of growth.

Through my journey, I've designed a unique approach to help your services business overcome the challenges in your way.

I Operate with 3 Secret Ingredients
Fast · Create wins quickly
Flexible · According to your needs
Fun · Making change enjoyable
The key?

Building a System

Building a System

My method combines operational efficiency with the human desire of contribution and self-expression.
The approach, catalyzed by my book "NewBee," serves the foundation of companies with

My method combines operational efficiency with the human desire of contribution and self-expression.
The approach, catalyzed by my book "NewBee," serves the foundation of companies with

Million Dollar Machines that have impacted

Million Dollar Machines that have impacted


These best practices have been integrated back into our proprietary playbook
that can be implemented directly in your company

I have experienced tremendous fulfillment in improving business operations while reigniting enthusiasm and passion for owners and their teams.

Want a Personal Recommendation?

Get a custom strategy you can implement to start building

your Million Dollar Machine

Align your goals, relationships, and actions with our signature

Notion template and 4-part mini course

The People have Spoken

  • Ernesto was super helpful in analyzing all of our business systems and improving overall communication. This consolidation and efficiency is saving us many hours per month and I feel like there is so much more we can do together. We are continuing to explore what's possible because the experience and value has been tremendous!

    Michael Diettrich-Chastain
    Arc Integrated
  • There'll be a lot of high energy ping pong with Ernesto if you hire him to build your systems for you. Truthfully, I feel on top of my business in a way where I didn't before and have a way to keep track of everything from nurturing prospects, serving clients, and maintaining connections in my broader network.

    Huw Edwards
  • Ernesto has totally reinvigorated our small and mighty executive team, as we lead our team of 30 into the next era of growth for our company I'm so grateful for his 6P System and can't wait to see what we will accomplish

    Amanda Moriuchi
    AppIT Ventures
  • I was lost on how to run a sustainable business while keeping my team on the same page and it was a mess. Ernesto completely changed my life and the way that I think as an entrepreneur. The 6Ps are the backbone of my company.

    Chris Daniels
    The Shrimp Society
  • Coming up on a new year, this session was incredibly helpful, nudging us to zoom out, think big, and put the puzzle pieces together on how to execute. Ernesto's a masterful leader, and the vibe of the entire session was very positive.

    Dave de Cespedes
    The Notion Coach

Improve Performance with the Six Pillar System

Improve Performance with the Six Pillar System

Enhance your Performance
with the Six Pillar System

Every Million Dollar Machine is made up of the same blueprint at its core
We integrate the Six Pillar System in your organization to instantly improve operational efficiency
leading to and increase in your team's potential

I guide organizations with integrating these systems to increase your team's performance potential

What a Million Dollar Machine
will unlock for you

What a Million Dollar Machine
will unlock for you

Aside from the revenue….
Improve the
Client Experience

How to Get a Machine

Every organization follows these 3 steps when collaborating with us


Schedule a Strategy Session to design a roadmap to increase business performance


Work with our team to set up the Six Pillar System to power up your company operational infrastructure


Continuously improve your system with ongoing group and individual training as you expand your business

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you work with clients?
What systems do you implement?
What guarantees do you make?
How much time will this take?
What is Notion? What if I don't use it?
What if I still have more questions?
How do you work with clients?
What systems do you implement?
What guarantees do you make?
How much time will this take?
What is Notion? What if I don't use it?
What if I still have more questions?
How do you work with clients?
What systems do you implement?
What guarantees do you make?
How much time will this take?
What is Notion? What if I don't use it?
What if I still have more questions?

Who We Are

The Million Dollar Machine is a training firm specializing on business systems to increase revenue, retention, profits, and peace of mind. Over a decade of combined experience has been integrated into the Six Pillar (6P) System, our signature methodology that is implemneted in your company.
Our secret sauce lives at the intersection of efficiency of honeybees
and the warmth found in every 5-star hospitality experience.

Welcome to our Swarm of Machine Makers.

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Start improving performance with our weekly tips, tactics, and tools.

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Start improving performance with our weekly tips, tactics, and tools.

All rights reserved © 2024 The Million Dollar Machine — Design & Development by rinconelloinc